Welcome to Canaan’s English Ministry!

Service Time: Sundays at 10:00 AM in Worship Hall 3
retreat picCanaan’s English Ministry is a unique faith community. Few Asian American churches are as truly multi-generational as we are. Children, youth, young adults, and parents worship here every Sunday. We strive to make real the Apostle Paul’s vision for the church, namely, a richly diverse people bound together by their calling to be God’s family of love and grace. You and your entire family are invited to build a joyful faith community that transforms individuals and the world. Come! Walk along with us on this pilgrimage!


Canaan is the land of milk and honey promised to the people of Israel in the Hebrew Scriptures. It also represents our hope in Jesus Christ and his reign. In 1980, a group of Christians were led by God to organize Canaan Taiwanese Christian Church in the center of Silicon Valley, aiming to bring the Gospel message of love and helping people become children of God through the salvation of Jesus Christ.

In view of the increasing number of Taiwanese people living in South San Jose, a branch church was established there to minister to people living in that area.

In 1996, a new church building was erected in Mountain View to accommodate some 350 persons for worship and fellowship, and to encourage Christians to grow in their service to the Community.

To fulfill God’s great commission, the congregations of Canaan are spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ to people locally and globally, aiming to be purpose driven, seeker sensitive, and spiritually equipped!

May God enable Canaan Church to please Him in our ministry to the Community.

We hope you will love being a part of the Canaan family!

Our Values

As a non-denominational evangelical church we affirm the following core values:

  1. The Bible is our central authority for Christian belief and practice.
  2. The Apostles’ Creed is our basic doctrinal guide and affirmation.
  3. We are called to minister to the Taiwanese, Asian American, and wider community in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.
  4. We are a multi-generational ministry for families.


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English Service 10 AM (Worship Hall 3)

Worship Location

Enter through door 1 from rear parking lot.


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